Our Walkabout Team
All the work our team does is for animals. In addition to caring for the animals (animal husbandry), we take part in research and rewilding projects, fulfil our education mandate, look after our guests, support each other, keep our 170 acres of wild bush habitat healthy, run our gift shop, do so much administration, make sure we comply with our legal responsibilities, and are active in our community.
Our Team:
Our staff (employees & regular volunteers)
Our consultants and specialised volunteers
Guest workers (eco-volunteers and other guests taking part in a program assisting our team)
1: Our Staff
Volunteer Team
- Community Volunteer
- Vocational Volunteer TAFE / University
- Post-graduate Vocational Volunteer
- Level 5 Volunteer / Ranger Assistant
Ranger Team
- Ranger-Intern
- Ranger
- Senior Ranger
- Curator
Operations Team
- Administration
- Guest Amenities
- Maintenance
- Management
2: Our Specialised Volunteers
Individuals with special expertise, usually associated with a specialised organisation, who regularly work with our team and our animals.
3: Guest-Worker Program Participants
Depending on what you will be doing at Walkabout, you may need to know (and agree to follow) certain workplace policies. If you do, we will send a login name and password to your program organiser so they can arrange for you to access the policies you need.
International Participants
Residential and non-Residential Programs
- Eco-volunteering
- Pre-veterinary school
- Cultural exchange
- Work experience
Australian Student Participants
Ranger-supported Teacher-supervised Programs
- Practical 1-day
- Practical multi-day
- Practical semester
- University internship fixed-term
- Work experience fixed-term