Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies

Liam & Lisa, Owner-operators

How to find Kincumber Produce and Pet Supplies

It’s easy to get to, but your GPS may confuse things.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to find directions to get to Lisa and Liam’s.


02 43683004

Unit 10, 6 Kerta Rd, Kincumber, NSW 2251

A “Thank You” offer just for you!

To say “thanks” to you for supporting Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies (and, through them, our Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary and other animals),

All you need to do is visit them. You don’t have to buy anything!

When you visit Kincumber Produce, if you make a purchase:
  • You will go in the draw to win free entry tickets to visit our animals at Walkabout


When you visit Kincumber Produce, even if you don’t buy anything:
  • Ask in their shop for their current Walkabout discount code
  • When you buy tickets on the Walkabout website, at the checkout, put in the “discount code” to get 10% off your entry tickets
  • Or quote the discount code when you get to the Walkabout reception if you prefer to buy your tickets on entry

The discount code and offer will change from time to time!

If you try a code and it doesn’t work, it has been updated. Come back to this page to see what the latest offer is. If you want it, visit Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies again to get the latest code.

Liam’s and Lisa’s Journey





You can help Liam and Lisa to keep helping animals

Why do I drive an extra 40 minutes to Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies when I need animal feed? It would be more convenient to stop at the pet shops and feed suppliers closer to us. These other shops all have a good range, a shiny shop front, and wonderful staff. They all deserve our patronage.

But, I have come to realise Liam and Lisa are extraordinary. They have earned our (and your) support by the unsung work they do and the personal sacrifices they make for animals. We need Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies to survive. Animals need them to survive. They need us to support them.

Tassin Barnard, Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary

You can help Kincumber Produce save kittens

It is so important, when buying an animal, to make sure we know where it comes from. We must take care to not support a cruel animal-manufacturing production line so we can have a pet. When we want a dog, we go to a dog-rescue centre to find a dog that needs us. We don’t “feed the puppy mill”.

Where do we go to rescue a cat? If you want a kitten or cat to join your family, please talk to Liam and Lisa first. They have been finding homes for all kinds of rescued animals for many years. They know where homeless cats and kittens are that need you. Whether you want to foster or adopt an animal into your family, Liam and Lisa will help you find your new furry (or feathery) friend.

Tassin Barnard, Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary

They are so much more than a ‘pet shop’

Liam, the owner, and his mum Lisa, give so much to help animals. Money, goods and, most importantly, their time. Far more than they (or their business) can afford. I am blown away by how much they do for animals.

We first met Liam when, at age 21, he took over the business where he had been working since he was at school. Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies donated (and still does) ALL the grains that we need to feed our ducks and geese and chickens and jungle fowl at Walkabout. It was years before we realised that we are not the only rescue organisation that Liam and Lisa are helping, or that their business is NOT a thriving commercial machine that can afford to help others the way they do.

Their clients are loyal but there aren’t a lot of them. Their business is not on the beaten track, so they don’t “pick up passing trade”. You have to know they are there, or you wouldn’t think to look for them. So that’s why we are telling you about them. Please support them. Animals need them and they need us.

Tassin Barnard, Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary

Safe Cat Safe Wildlife*

Indoor cats live on average 5 years (that’s 25%) longer than cats that are free to roam.

Vets across Australia tell us 50-70% of vet bills for cats are for problems sustained outdoors. Cat fights, dog attacks, car accidents, infected scratches, entanglements and poisoning.

Cats can live happily indoors, and it doesn’t cost that much to set things up for them (especially considering the savings on vets bills over their lifetime). They don’t need a lot of space.

If you want ideas for setting up a happy indoor world for your cats

  • Visit the servals at Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary to see how the rangers have set up their enclosure.
  • Visit the Safe Cat Safe Wildlife website to join a community of Australians who love their cats.
  • Visit Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies and talk to Liam and Lisa.

*Zoos Victoria. RSPCA. 30 years of data. 

How to find Kincumber Produce and Pet Supplies

Follow the photos and driving tips (below)

Your GPS may confuse you, GPS errors on google maps include

  • taking you through a less convenient gate (there are multiple entry gates), or
  • taking you to the wrong unit (unit 10 is at the back, the furthest away from Kerta St).

The “red pin” in google maps is at the wrong end of the complex. We’ve added a black cat at the lower end. This is where Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies is.

Kincumber Produce & Pet Supplies is just inside the first gate (there are two) off the lower “road with no name”, a private road.

It’s only 2 minutes from the traffic circle where Empire Bay Drive, Cochrone St and The Scenic Rd meet. Continue along Empire Bay Drive.

Route 1: Turn right into Kerta Rd, then turn left into no. 6 (the whole complex is “no. 6”). Drive through as far as you can go. Unit 10 is on the right at the end.

Follow Route 1: This is the entrance to the complex, on the left on Kerta St. Kincumber Produce sign to the left of the gate. “No. 6” sign to the right.

Route 2: Pass Kerta St on Empire Bay Dr (travelling towards Empire Bay). Take the next right into “road with no name”, private road to the complex.

Follow Route 2: Coming up on the right is the turn into “road with no name”. You can see unit 10 through the bush, just inside first entry gate.