Swamp Wallaby
Other common names – Black Wallaby, Fern Wallaby or the Black Stinker.
Swamp Wallabies ~ Wallabia bicolor
The Swamp Wallaby is the only member of the genus Wallabia left living today, many wallabies being part of the genus Macropus.
This wallaby is quite different to other wallabies in regard to reproductive, genetic, dental and behavioural characteristics.
The Swamp Wallaby inhabits areas with dense grass or ferns and are also found in wet sclerophyll forests or open eucalyptus forests.
They are nocturnal, after sunset they emerge from the shrubbery to browse and graze on grass and small shrubs. Although they are mostly solitary they aggregate at feeding grounds during the night.
Swamp Wallabies are sexually mature by approx. 18 months and breed throughout the year.
Pouch life for these wallabies are complete by approx. 8 -9 months but the joey still suckles from its mother’s pouch at her foot up until approx. 15 months.
Male Swamp Wallabies can weigh up to 17kg and females are smaller weighing up to 13kg.
They look very different to that of other wallabies. They are mostly brown/black in colour and rufous orange and yellow on the chest and lower regions which is where its name came from (bicolour).
At AWWP visitors are greeted by Matilda our resident swamp wallaby that was handraised here at the park. She likes to sit on the visitor centre deck and welcome visitors to the park.
Swamp Wallabies are very elusive wallabies that are hard to see in the wild. However at AWWP not only can you pat Matilda but if you are really quiet on our guided tours they can be seen near the boardwalk foraging on small shrubs.